APA BOARD CORNER OLA Spring Dinner Auction update-The annual dinner auction date has been rescheduled to Saturday April 30th, 2022 at the Poinsettia Pavilion from 5:30pm-10:30pm. Watch for more information early in 2022.
almost 3 years ago, 01 Apptegy Admin
Volunteer Logo
*Save the date* Presto Pasta fundraiser, Wednesday January 19th, 2022. Flyer will be sent home next week in the brown envelope.
almost 3 years ago, 01 Apptegy Admin
Save the date.
The Virtue for the Month of January is Gratitude: Seeing everything as a gift & being thankful. Our students are learning the virtue of generosity through the Saints. The Saints they will be learning from this month are St. Francis of Assisi for grades Preschool through Second grade, St. Julie Billart for grades three through five and St. Josemaria Escriva for grades six through eighth.
almost 3 years ago, 01 Apptegy Admin
This is important.
almost 3 years ago, Our Lady of the Assumption School