the word cheerfulness on a bright yellow background

Mission Statement: Our Lady of the Assumption School Commits itself to provide an education based on catholic values and academic excellence in a caring and safe atmosphere in  partnership with the family and parish  community.

                 From the Desk of the Principal…February 21, 2023

Thursday: Week 7  in Ordinary Time

Saint of the Day:  St Peter Damian

Ecclesiasticus 2:1-11. Commit your life to the Lord, and he will help you – Psalm 36(37):3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40. Mark 9:30-37.

Pray for all those who witness for God

Peter Damian is a saint for our Plenary times: he was a reformer, critical of clerical corruption and immorality, and he was often directed by the Pope of his day to address infringements of the vow of poverty. But being a good man, working for justice and being faithful to God, did not shield him from suffering. He was attacked by his enemies. We need to be careful not to think that just because I am God’s friend that I will not experience any hardships.

Indeed, it seems to be a common experience that a good person gets more flak than a lacklustre one. She or he acts as a lightning rod for God’s enemies. Have you had that experience? Let us pray for those who are in that unenviable position


Virtue of the Month of January is Cheerfulness~ Looking on the bright side.

Our Saints this month:

Grade PK- 2:  St. John Bosco

Grade 3 - 5:  St. St. Philip Neri

Grade 6-8: Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro

Cheerfulness : looking on the bright side. 

Cheerfulness is perhaps best represented in the word affability which St. Thomas Aquinas places affability under the general heading of the cardinal virtue of justice The virtue that prompts us to give to others what is their due under any sense of duty or obligation.  You are obliged to help and not hinder others around you in the world on their way toward Heaven.  Not only are you to help the needy by your alms, and the erring by your advice, but you are also to help all who you know or meet by your kindliness, pleasantness, and affability of manner. 

Daily School Schedule - Petra Christian Academy

Calendar Highlights  


February 22 Ash Wednesday-All School Mass 9:30 am

February 24 No School-Religious Ed Conference

February 27 Parent Hours Due

March 3 Scouting for Food Collection Day

March 7 Beginning of 3rd Trimester

March 8 Art Trek Training-Hurley Hall 8:15 am-10:45 am

March 11 Kindergarten Testing

March 12 Daylight Saving Time-Spring Forward

March 14 APA Board Meeting-6:30 pm-OLA School

March 15 2nd Trimester Awards Ceremony-1:30pm in the Church

March 17 All School St. Patrick’s Day Mass with Parish 8:00am 


 Contents of Weekly Brown Envelope

Please remove contents, complete and return any forms, sign and return the Brown Envelope every Wednesday. 

  • Save the Date-Cinco de Mayo Auction Dinner

Parent Hour turn in Day-February 27th

Please submit your 2nd trimester parent hours by Monday February 27th. Hours will be recorded and a statement will be sent back the following week. There will be one more turn in day in May. After the May turn in invoices will be sent for those who did not complete the 30 required parent hours per family. Thank you for volunteering at our wonderful school. Your participation enhances our school community! 

Please contact the school office with any questions.

Scouting for Food/OLA Cub Scout Pack 3192 will be collecting food next week. Collection bags will be sent home next week. See flyer below for more information. 

Hot Lunch Update

With Lent beginning tomorrow there will be lunch choices for Friday that do not contain meat. If you have already placed an order for a Friday in the future for an item that contained meat the order will be canceled and refunded. Please reorder a non meat item. Question please contact Kurt-805-754-6220 or the school office 805-642-7198

TK & Kindergarten Registration for Fall 2023-2024

TK & Kindergarten Registration - If you have a child that will be entering  TK or Kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year, please fill out the online application and submit ASAP. Screening letters have been sent to those who have applied. 

“Fund the Classroom” Amazon Wish Lists-Thank you for all the wonderful items parents have been donating through the Amazon Wish Lists! The lists will remain active until the end of the school year. Share with out of town family and friends and  check back often as new items will be added. This is an easy way to earn a few extra parent hours. Every $15 spent earns 1 hour. 

Click the link below.

Our Lady of the Assumption School Charity Lists

*Important* Please complete a gift receipt for all purchases and include your name and the teacher's name and grade. This will help with delivery when the items arrive at the school.  

Lost and Found-Please check the lost and found located outside the school office for missing items. 

Reporting an absence:

If your child will be absent from school, please complete the Absent Reporting form. This form can be found on our app under Documents or on our website under quick links. This will generate a report that is given to teachers daily.    Thank you!   

What’s Happening with our Student Council!

Thank you OLA parents  for supporting our  Middle School dance.  Our theme was Mardi Gras and our student council did a  wonderful job hosting the dance. We are looking forward to our activities for Lent. 

Dolphin sticker" Sticker for Sale by ClothClub | Redbubble

OLA Sports Center

Both boys and girls basketball seasons are in full swing. Check the OLA app for game days, locations and scores. Come out and support our teams!!

Go Dolphins!


Our annual spring auction and raffle is our biggest fundraiser of the year. We raise much needed funds for school improvements that benefit all families and children at OLA. This year, some of the improvements that Ms. Fussell hopes to include installing a camera for security at the front gate, installing solar panels so that the school can eventually add air conditioning and not overwork our dated electrical infrastructure, and building a restroom for the TK classroom. 

The APA Board has planned the auction this year with a Cinco De Mayo Theme. It will take place May 5, 2023 at the Poinsettia Pavilion, from 5:30pm until 10:00pm. As we are saying, "No time to Siesta, let's Fiesta!" 

There are many aspects to making sure this event is successful and goes off smoothly. The APA Board members are a small and mighty group, but we would love to have as many school families as possible join us in making it an even more successful event. To this end, we have formed committees to spread the work among all Board members. If you are interested in helping out with a certain committee, you can contact me and I can put you in touch with the appropriate Board person. 

As always, you will earn parent hours for all hours you volunteer helping out with the Auction and Raffle.

If you are unable to volunteer to help but have a connection for any of the above committees (printer, drink or food vender, auction items, etc), please reach out to me. 

Thank you for taking your time to help make our school the best learning environment for our children! 

Jennifer Bamieh

(805) 340-9168

The digital marquee birthday flier is available in the office.  Enjoy announcing your child's next birthday on the OLA marquee! Announcement cost is $15

The APA Board would like to thank all the wonderful  families of OLA for volunteering and participating in the many fundraising efforts this year. If you are interested in joining for the 2022-2023 school year  please contact Jennifer Bamieh    

Please call Dea Boheme at (805) 390-1260  to reserve a spot. Protecting God's Children (Initial training, 3 hours)


Training Dates for March will be coming soon. 

 School Office Hours

hours New office closed clipart jpg - Clipartix

The best times to conduct school business in the office are:


8:30 am - 12:00 pm


12:50 pm - 2:30 pm

After Dismissal hours


Closed for Lunch(12:00-12:50)

 Please do not come in during dismissal from 2:30pm-3:00pm. We are calling students for pick-up and are unable to give you uninterrupted attention.  The office is closed for lunch from 12:00pm-12:50pm, if your child needs to leave early from school Please pick them up before 12:00 pm or after 12:50pm.

At Home Rapid Covid Test kits: Test kits are available in the office.  Please contact Jennifer Colitti at  You are also welcome to come into the office and pick up tests for your family.

Student Learning Expectations (SLE’S)

OLA Students aim for the S.T.A.R.S when they: 





