Three advent candles hope, peace, and joy with a chalk background
Two Advent Candles hope and Peace on a wreath. Chalk drawing
A single Purple Advent candle lit with the word Hope above it.
Thanksgiving Blessings of Peace, love, and joy
Stewardship with words give, serve, attend, and grow
Words describing stewardship
Fall pumpkins
Skelton, ghost, & pumpkins dancing
Halloween Raffle with raffle ticket
Catholic Virtue of  the Month Reverence with a cross and two praying hands
October Month of the Holy Rosary
Halloween Raffle Ticke
a cross on a sunset background  Hebrews 11:1 Faith
September with ruler, apple, book, and pencil
Back to School Night on a yellow background with a red apple in the lower right corner
Welcome Back to School with crayon, apple, and pencil
Have a great Summer Vacation with clipart kids on the words
Celebrate Ordinary Time on a green background
Ordinary time background forest at sunrise
Ordinary Time