Mission Statement: Our Lady of the Assumption School Commits itself to provide an education based on catholic values and academic excellence in a caring and safe atmosphere in partnership with the family and parish community.
From the Desk of the Principal…March 14, 2023
Tuesday of the Third Week of Lent
Daniel 3:25, 34-43. Remember your mercies, O Lord – Psalm 24(25):4-9.
Matthew 18:21-35.
Treat everyone with dignity, respect and trust
Today’s Gospel is interesting in that Jesus not only tells his listeners that they need to forgive and do so countless times, he also tells them to treat everyone with dignity, respect and trust. The master trusted his servant to pay the money back. He saw the dignity in the servant and trusted him to do the right thing. The servant was not able to do the same for his fellow servant. How often do we become caught in our own world and so not treat others as we ask to be treated? Do we want to be forgiven for our wrongdoing, mistakes and slip ups and yet hold grudges against those who have done us wrong?
Daniel 3:25, 34-43
Remember your mercies, O Lord – Psalm 24(25):4-9
Matthew 18:21-35
Treat everyone with dignity, respect and trust
Today’s Gospel is interesting in that Jesus not only tells his listeners that they need to forgive and do so countless times, he also tells them to treat everyone with dignity, respect and trust. The master trusted his servant to pay the money back. He saw the dignity in the servant and trusted him to do the right thing. The servant was not able to do the same for his fellow servant. How often do we become caught in our own world and so not treat others as we ask to be treated? Do we want to be forgiven for our wrongdoing, mistakes and slip ups and yet hold grudges against those who have done us wrong?
Virtue for the Month of March is Temperance ~ Enjoying things in a proper balanced way.
Our Saints this month:
Grade PK- 2: Saint Teresa of Avila ~ Feast Day October 15
Grade 3 - 5: Saint Camillus de Lellis ~ Feast Day July 18
Grade 6-8: Venerable Matt Talbot (1856-1925, Ireland) Declared “venerable in 1973. “ Three things I cannot escape: the eye of God, the voice of conscience, the stroke of death. In company, guard your tongue. In your family, guard your temper. When alone , guard your thoughts” - Venerable Matt Talbot
Three Practical Ways to Grow Temperance
This Lent~
Take Less Than You Want ~ This may not be fun at first. After all, you may really want three scoops of ice cream. Take less than you want, though, and savor it. Do this repeatedly, and you will begin to wonder why you ever needed more.
Tell Yourself No Altogether ~ The world will tell you that you DESERVE to indulge yourself, that you are entitled to the maximum amount of pleasure. That simply isn’t true. Next time you want to indulge yourself, just say no. Again , the point of this is not just a joyless self-denial, but rather a positive learning of self-control that will teach us to enjoy less.
Get Uncomfortable~ Many of the saints have said that one of the biggest enemies of our spiritual lives is the love of comfort. For example, we want to lay in bed as long as possible rather than getting up immediately - that sort of thing. Try getting out of bed as soon as your alarm rings for Lent.
Calendar Highlights
March 14 APA Board Meeting-6:30 pm-OLA School
March 15 2nd Trimester Awards Ceremony-1:30pm in Church
March 17 All School St. Patrick’s Day 8:00 am Mass with Parish
March 21 OLA School hosts Parish Lenten Soup Supper
March 24 Jean for Jesus-Favorite Character Theme
March 24 Social Tap Fundraiser 11am-11pm
April 4 APA Board Meeting-6:30 pm-OLA School
April 6-16 Easter Break
April 6 Holy Thursday
April 7 Good Friday
April 9 Easter Sunday
April 17 School Resumes
April 18-21 6th Grade Outdoor School
Contents of Weekly Brown Envelope
Please remove contents, complete and return any forms, sign and return the Brown Envelope every Wednesday.
Report Cards
Parent Hour Summary
Social Tap Flyer
OLA Parish Shred Event Flyer
Re-Registration 2023-2024 School Year
Re-registration is taking place now through Mar 31, 2023. Forms were sent home last week for all students entering 1st grade through 8th grade. Please return your form with your deposit to the school office by March 31st. For those students not returning to OLA it is important we receive your form asap so we can begin to notify new applicants. If you have any questions please contact the school office-805-642-7198/jennifer@olaventura.org
Financial Aid Forms are available in the front office. Representatives from CEF will be on the St. Bonaventure campus on April 3rd and 4th for On-Site Processing. To secure one of these spots parents are encouraged to set up online appointments. If you are unable to meet in person with a CEF Representative mail in applications will be accepted until April 21st, 2023.
Online Appointments:
Log onto www.cefdn.org
At the CEF Home page, on the top menu bar hover over the CONTACT US link and a drop-down menu will appear, SELECT “TAP Appointments”
SELECT “CLICK HERE” on the “TAP Appointments” web page (Make sure to turn off any “pop-up Blockers”)
SELECT “Next” on the Welcome Screen
Choose a Location where your students will be attending (ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) and SELECT “Next”
Choose a Time to meet with CEF Representatives and SELECT “Next”
Enter in your information to reserve your appointment ( make sure to enter your Cell and Email in order to get text and email reminders) and SELECT “Save”
Please print or save the confirmation pages for your records. Please note the Host Site where you will be meeting with CEF Representatives.
Lenten Soup Supper-Parent Hour Opportunity
Join OLA School on Tuesday March 21st as we host a lenten soup supper for the parish and beyond. We are in need of ingredients to prepare the soup as well as helpers to prep, cook, serve and clean up. This is a great way to earn parent hours as well as help the school and parish. Every $15 spent on items gives you 1 parent hour and every shift earns you the hours served. Please click on the link below to view the available volunteer opportunities and sign up. Questions, please contact the school office. Thank you!
Lenten Soup Supper Volunteer Opportunities
See’s Candy Fundraiser
Looking for the perfect addition to your Easter basket or just a sweet treat for someone special this Easter?
Our See’s Candy fundraiser starts today and goes through March 22. We have two easy ways to order-online Yum-Raising Store and standard paper order forms.
Online sales will be shipped directly while those ordered on the order form will arrive at school the week of April 3 for pick up.
Share the Yum-Raing link with out of town family and friends as well as share on social media, ordering is open to all!
Thank you for supporting our wonderful school!
Questions, call or email the school office. 805-642-7198/jennifer@olaventura.org
Lunch Helpers Needed:
Hot lunch is still going strong. Helpers are always needed to sort and distribute the hot lunches. Please arrive between 11:30 and 11:40. Lunch sorting is done by 12:10. Helpers will receive 1 parent hour for helping. Remember if you stay for lunch duty until 12:40 you receive 2 parent hours. That sounds like a win-win!!
Student Council
During Lent our Student Council members will be leading the students in a few activities. Each week they will be teaching about the 3 pillars of Lent. First they will be spinning the “Fasting Pinwheel”. Ask your child what they are fasting from and also what they are replacing the item with. Each class does this as a whole. The Student Council is also leading each class in daily prayer that changes weekly as well as continuing Almsgiving by collecting money for those in need in Turkey, Syria and Ukraine.
Lost and Found-Please check the lost and found located outside the school office for missing items.
Reporting an absence:
If your child will be absent from school, please complete the Absent Reporting form. This form can be found on our app under Documents or on our website under quick links. This will generate a report that is given to teachers daily. Thank you!
OLA Sports Center
Both boys and girls basketball seasons are in full swing. Check the OLA app for game days, locations and scores. Come out and support our teams!!
Go Dolphins!
Our annual spring auction and raffle is our biggest fundraiser of the year. We raise much needed funds for school improvements that benefit all families and children at OLA. This year, some of the improvements that Ms. Fussell hopes to include installing a camera for security at the front gate, installing solar panels so that the school can eventually add air conditioning and not overwork our dated electrical infrastructure, and building a restroom for the TK classroom. The APA Board has planned the auction this year with a Cinco De Mayo Theme. It will take place May 5, 2023 at the Poinsettia Pavilion, from 5:30pm until 10:00pm. As we are saying, "No time to Siesta, let's Fiesta!" There are many aspects to making sure this event is successful and goes off smoothly. The APA Board members are a small and mighty group, but we would love to have as many school families as possible join us in making it an even more successful event. To this end, we have formed committees to spread the work among all Board members. If you are interested in helping out with a certain committee, you can contact me and I can put you in touch with the appropriate Board person. As always, you will earn parent hours for all hours you volunteer helping out with the Auction and Raffle. If you are unable to volunteer to help but have a connection for any of the above committees (printer, drink or food vender, auction items, etc), please reach out to me. Thank you for taking your time to help make our school the best learning environment for our children! Jennifer Bamieh (805) 340-9168 | |||
The digital marquee birthday flier is available in the office. Enjoy announcing your child's next birthday on the OLA marquee! Announcement cost is $15 The APA Board would like to thank all the wonderful families of OLA for volunteering and participating in the many fundraising efforts this year. If you are interested in joining for the 2022-2023 school year please contact Jennifer Bamieh jenniferbamieh@yahoo.com Please call Dea Boheme at (805) 390-1260 to reserve a spot. Protecting God's Children (Initial training, 3 hours) Next Training Dates will be in April. | |||
Student Learning Expectations (SLE’S)
OLA Students aim for the S.T.A.R.S when they: