Halloween Raffle with raffle ticket

Mission Statement: Our Lady of the Assumption School Commits itself to provide an education based on catholic values and academic excellence in a caring and safe atmosphere in  partnership with the family and parish  community.

From the  Desk of the Principal…October 15, 2024

Week 28 in Ordinary Time

Saint of the day:

St Teresa of Avila (1515–1582)

Christ Has No Body

Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
Compassion on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,
Yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
compassion on this world.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.

Galatians 5:1-6. Let your loving kindness come to me, O Lord – Psalm 118(119):41, 43-45, 47-48. Luke 11:37-41.

It is faith, not the Law, that justifies us

Both Paul and Jesus call us to embrace the freedom gifted to us by our faith. It is a freedom that allows us to make up our own minds, to not blindly follow what others tell us is the right or only way to do things. I think ‘the church’ has forgotten this many times over the centuries. Persecuting heretics or those who interpret their faith differently has meant that the opportunity to build faith through debate was lost at these times. Even today, we run the risk of our community stagnating because we cannot change. Even a brief study of the history of the Catholic Church shows that the present structures (eg, celibate, male-only priests) are different from that of the early church and based on pre-Christian Roman ideals. I believe that we must educate ourselves, understand why and question these structures.

OLA Virtues Program

Each month we introduce a different virtue to our students along with Saints to pray with and learn about.  This is the Year of Faith and our theme for the year is Service.  


The virtue for October is Reverence ~ Showing your deepest respect for things of God. 

Virtue of the Month Reverence:

The Reverence and Respect That Jesus Has for Us

At the Last Supper, the humility, love, respect, and even reverence of Jesus is manifested to the Apostles when Jesus washes their feet.

How much Jesus loved the Apostles and how much He continues loving us—the great reverence of Jesus in the Washing of the Feet. 

Saints for the Month of October 

PK - 2: Saint Hyacinth

Saint Hyacinth was a Polish priest who became a Dominican.  When robbers were coming to attack the church where he lived, Saint Hyacinth took Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and a statue of Mary to a place that was safe, even though the statue weighed more than he did! He did this to show his love and reverence for Jesus and Mary. 

Gr3 - 5:  Saint Tarcisius 

St. Tarcisius was a young altar server who was martyred for his love of Jesus in the Eucharist. He secretly delivered the Eucharist to imprisoned Christians during a time when practicing Catholicism was illegal. 

Gr. 6 - 8 : Margaret Clitherow “For I am fully resolved in all things touching my faith, which I ground upon Jesus Christ, and by Him I steadfastly believe to be saved…and by God's assistance I mean to live and die in the same faith.” “I die for the love of my Lord Jesus.”

Calendar Highlights  

October 16

Works of Mercy-Non Uniform Dress Day $1 to benefit Tender Life Maternity Home

October 17 

Raffle Ticket Deadline 3:30pm

October 25 

Let’s “BOO”-GIE Halloween Event 5:30pm-8:30pm 

October 31 

Halloween Assembly 8am

November 1 

All School Mass 9:30 am Hosted by Grade 2 

November 7 

Make Up Picture Day

November 11 

No School-Veterans Day


Extended Day Care registration packets are available in the school office. 

Contents of Weekly Brown EnvelopeResults for parent communication envelope | TPT

Please remove contents, complete and return any forms in the signed Brown Envelope every Wednesday. 

  • School Picture Packets

  • “BOO-GIE” Raffle and Event Flyer

It’s Raffle Time!

Raffle Sales Update! 

Classes that sold 400+ tickets and will enjoy a Trolley visit and Free Dress Day this Friday are:

TK, 2nd grade, and 4th grade—great job! 

Our top three sellers are currently:

Everly & Cruz Cazares, John & Charles Duddy, and Jorge Maya. 

We are just 400 tickets away from reaching our $40K school-wide goal! Every single ticket counts—even one more could make all the difference. Keep selling—tickets are due by Thursday at 3:30 PM.

NEW Bonus: Families who sell 75 tickets earn 3 extra Free-mester raffle entries!

Let’s hit that goal and see the best Principal & VP stunt ever!

OLA Halloween Event: Let’s “Boo”-gie! 

"Boo"-gie Halloween Event: Volunteers Needed! 

Our spook-tacular “Boo”-gie Halloween event is coming soon, and we need your help to make it amazing! This is the first call for volunteers—sign up to assist with set-up, help during the event, or clean-up afterward. The Sign-Up Genius is now live! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4CA8AB2CA6FCC16-52198619-halloween

Expect a night of fun with a live band, food trucks, face painting, outdoor movie, and trick-or-treating!

RSVP, sponsor the event, or host a booth by this FRIDAY—check your brown envelope for more details!

Car Pick Up Line- Thank you for helping our dismissal process flow smoothly in the afternoons. Please have your name sign in your window during dismissal. If you are in need of one please contact the school office. Please be mindful to leave openings for our neighbors driveways when waiting to move down Dunning street. This is both for the safety and courteousness of our neighbors. 

Hot Lunch

New! Choice Lunch

  Click Here to Order 

A few things to keep in mind when ordering with Choicelunch -
Our regular ordering deadline to order from the full menu is 9 am the day before lunch will be served. After 9 am the day before lunch has passed, you will be given the option to order an entree-only lunch, up until 9 am the day lunch will be served or until lunches sell out.

Lunch can be canceled as late as 9 am the day before it will be served for 100% credit. After this point in time, the lunch will be sent to the school and there is no credit given.

You can also find our FAQ here - https://help.choicelunch.com/hc/en-us

Reminder-As of Monday, October 21st, hot lunch will only be available through Choicelunch. 

OLA Parish Events 

Sports at OLA

Cross Country 

Elementary Cross Country:

We had a great fourth league elementary race today at Rio Vista School! 

The team ran a one-mile race. 

Our top three elementary girl runners were:

  • Evie Bart (grade 3) who finished 21ST out of 242 runners with a personal best run time of 7:12

  • Caroline Barnard (grade 3) with a running time of 7:36

  • Penelope Burns (grade 4) with a running time of 8:33

Our elementary boys team came in THIRD PLACE out of 17 schools! 

Our top three elementary boy runners were:

  • Jameson Dolan (grade 5) finishing 7th out of 217 runners with a personal best run time of 6:31

  • James Quagliata (grade 5) finishing 11th overall with a personal best run time of 6:36

  • Kai Marzahl (grade 4) finishing 13th overall and with a personal best run time of 6:38

Everyone did so well!  A full list of today’s elementary results can be viewed at https://my.raceresult.com/313256/

OLA ran in Elementary Girls Group A and Elementary Boys Group A.

Thank you to all of the parents, grandparents, and friends who came out to cheer on our elementary school runners!

Our final and championship elementary meet will be next Thursday, October 17th at Arroyo Verde Park in Ventura.

Middle School:

Our middle school runners had a phenomenal race on Friday at Mission Oaks Park!

It is probably the toughest racecourse during the cross country season and our team was up to the task of competing on such a demanding course!

The team ran a 3k race.   

Our top three middle school girl runners were:

  • Camille Swafford (grade 8) who finished 23rd out of 163 runners with a run time of 15:47

  • Naomi Isbell (grade 6 homeschool runner on the OLA team) with a run time of 17:27

  • Lily Julian (grade 6) with a run time of 18:58

Our middle school boys cross country team came in FIRST PLACE out of 19 schools! 

Our top three middle school boy runners were:

  • Caleb Isbell (grade 7 homeschool runner on the OLA team) who finished 2nd overall out of 226 runners with a run time of 12:09

  • Evan Abbott (grade 7) who finished 12th overall with a run time of 13:05

  • Taylor Kaiser (grade 8) who finished 17th overall with a run time of 13:19

A full list of Friday’s race results is listed at https://my.raceresult.com/313258.

We are so proud of our middle school runners! Way to go Dolphins!

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, and friends who came out to cheer on our middle school runners!

Middle school does not have a meet this week.  Our next middle school race is the Championship Meet on Friday, October 25th at Arroyo Verde Park in Ventura.

The meet is hosted by OLA School so please log on to volunteer and help at the championship meet.

The link is:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080E49AAAB28A6FD0-olamiddle1

Jim Montgomery 805-368-6999 jim@sureteq.com

Dominka Montgomery 805-490-2957 dominka@sureteq.com

OLA Flag Football

Our flag football team will play its first game of the season on Wednesday October 16th right here at OLA. Game time is 3:30. Come out and support the team! 

If your child is interested in playing please email the coaches:      

Mr. Baker bakerjl164@gmail.com

Mr. Ianne michaelianne1@aol.com

and the school office olaoffice@olaventura.org

See you on the field!

OLA Girls Volleyball

We will have 2 girls volleyball teams. Both teams will play their first game this week. 

  • 6th grade team will play Wednesday, October 16 away against St. Mary Magdalen. 

  • 7th/8th grade team will play Thursday, October 17 here at OLA. 

All games will start at 3:30. Come out and support the team! 

If your child is interested in playing please email the coaches:

Marissa Gonzales- mgwest21@yahoo.com

Mrs. Padilla gradeK@olaventura.org 

and the school office olaoffice@olaventura.org

See you on the court!

Stay up-to-date with access to events, documents, news from administrators, student stories, and even emergency notifications.

OLA School App Video

You can download the app for free on Google Play or Apple App Store.

Download for Android https://bit.ly/3HRxTwQ

Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3JwStCO

Reporting an Absence - News and Announcements -

Reporting an absence:

If your child will be absent from school, please complete the Absent Reporting form. This form can be found on our app, tap the menu button or on our website under quick links. This will generate a report that is given to teachers daily. Thank you! 


Have questions or are interested in joining us? The APA meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6pm. We’d love to see you! Email us at: APAboard@olaventura.org.  

The Assumptions Parent Association (APA) Board is dedicated to supporting our school through event planning and fundraising efforts throughout the year. We invite you to join in on the fun by becoming a part of one of our committees:

  • Hospitality: Assist in organizing events and showing appreciation to our teachers and staff.

  • Communications: Help keep our school community informed about upcoming events.

  • Volunteer: Coordinate parent volunteers for various school activities and events.

  • Fundraising: Plan and support our fundraising efforts.

If you’re interested in joining a committee or learning more about what we do, please reach out to us at Apaboard@olaventura.org. We look forward to working together to make this year a great one for our students and school!

If you’d like to learn more about how you can support our school and get involved with the Assumptions Parent Association Board, please reach out to us at Apaboard@olaventura.org. We look forward to working together to make this year a great one for our kids!

Birthday Clipart - Gifs, Graphics

The digital marquee birthday flier is available in the school  office.  Announce your child's next birthday on the OLA marquee! Announcement cost is $15

Office Hours Cliparts - Cliparts Zone

School Office Hours

The best times to conduct school business in the office are:


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

12:50 pm - 2:30 pm

Closed for Lunch(12:00-12:50)

After Dismissal hours:


Please do not come in during dismissal. We are calling students for pick-up and are unable to give you uninterrupted attention.  The office is closed for lunch from 12:00pm-12:50pm, if your child needs to leave early from school Please pick them up before 12:00 pm or after 12:50pm. 

At Home Rapid Covid Test kits:

Test kits are available in the office.  Please contact Jennifer Colitti at jennifer@olaventura.org.  You are also welcome to come into the office and pick up tests for your family.

Office of Safeguard the Children 

Zoom Protecting God’s Children

Keeping the Promise Alive 

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles mandates all clergy, staff, whether paid or volunteer, and all volunteers who work in any capacity with or around children, the elderly, or people with special needs to complete the initial three-hour VIRTUS® Protecting God’s Children for Adults™ program. The program helps clergy, staff, volunteers, and parents to understand the facts and myths about child sexual abuse, how perpetrators groom children and young people, and how they, as caring adults, can learn and implement the important “Five Step Plan” to Protect God’s Children in helping to prevent child sexual abuse.

More than 150,000 clergy, staff and volunteers have participated in these training sessions throughout the five Pastoral Regions of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

Please know you are welcome to attend a training at any  parish in our diocese.  To learn where the training is taking place visit lacatholics.org  and under the pull down menu titled PROTECT/REPORT move your cursor to Safe SafeGuard the Children then to Education and Training. In that section you will be able to navigate to all the training sessions.  Our region is the Santa Barbara Region. 

Training at OLA:  None at this time. 

Protecting God’s Children (Initial Course) In the Santa Cruz Room. To register please call the OLA Church Office for more information at 805- 642-7966.

Keeping the Promise Alive (Re-Certification Course):  To register please call the OLA Church office for more information at 805- 642-7796.

Student Learning Expectations (SLE’S)

OLA Students aim for the S.T.A.R.S when they: