Mission Statement: Our Lady of the Assumption School Commits itself to provide an education based on catholic values and academic excellence in a caring and safe atmosphere in partnership with the family and parish community.
From the Desk of the Principal…December 10th, 2024
Second week of Advent 
The second week of Advent centers on the theme of peace. The second candle, often referred to as the “Bethlehem Candle,” is lit to symbolize the peace that Christ brings to the world. This week encourages believers to reflect on the idea of peace in their lives and communities.
The focus during the second week is not only on the peace of Christ but also on how individuals can contribute to peace in their surroundings, promote reconciliation, and foster understanding and compassion toward others.
Las Posadas - Friday December 13th 1pm
Las Posadas Procession
We are excited to invite you to our Las Posadas celebration!
The procession will begin at 1:00 PM and travel through the school hallways as students visit the Classroom Inns, symbolically searching for a place for Mary and Joseph to stay. The journey will continue through the hallways and around the back of the school, culminating in Mulcahy Hall for the final part of Las Posadas.
Parents are welcome to join us:
• At the beginning of the procession: Near the Kindergarten classroom.
• Or at Mulcahy Hall: For the closing events.
We look forward to celebrating this beautiful tradition with you, including the singing of “Entrada de Peregrinos.”
Thank you for helping us honor this meaningful Advent tradition!
ALMS (pronounced /ä(l)mz/) is a new OLA committee/club for both parents and students that was created to support the school’s mission to provide its students with a caring and safe learning community that imparts and promotes our Catholic faith to future generations. Through volunteer work and a stronger presence at community and Parish events, ALMS is OLA school’s “do good” committee. As an added benefit, certain programs can earn parent hours! This means you can get involved in the community, teach your kids the value of service to others, and earn parent hours all at the same time. For more information, check out our FAQ or volunteer now.
ALMS Quick Links
Questions? Suggestions? Email us at alms@olaventura.org
ALMS: Surfrider Beach Clean-up
Become an environmental steward for the beautiful place we call home by volunteering for an upcoming local trash clean-up. Parents, alongside their kids wearing their OLA PE uniform, will earn 2 parent hours for each clean-up session they participate in. This Saturday, December 14th is the monthly beach-clean up at the Ventura Promenade - "C"-Street. Please register directly with the Surfrider Foundation (see below for direct registration link). Be sure to report student participation and snap a picture if you like so we can share with the school.
“The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it,” – Psalm 24:1
Date: Saturday, December 14th, 2024
Description: Monthly Beach Cleanup | Ventura Promenade - "C"-Street
Time: 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Location: Ventura, CA
Register here: volunteer.surfrider.org/timeslots/NTnaVqucbn
OLA Virtues Program
Each month we introduce a different virtue to our students along with Saints to pray with and learn about. This is the Year of Faith and our theme for the year is Service.
The virtue for December is ~ Generosity ~ Giving without counting the cost.
An act of generosity implies losing, since it consists in giving something that is mine to another who needs it. For this reason, generosity is directly linked to sacrifice. A generous person is willing to sacrifice for the sake of others something that he has something that belongs to him. At its highest level, generosity leads to self-giving. This gives the virtue of generosity a tone of superior sacredness of many other virtues.
Saints for the Month of December
PK - 2: St. Nicholas ~The true story of Santa Claus begins with Nicholas, who was born during the third century in the village of Patara in Asia Minor. At the time the area was Greek and is now on the southern coast of Turkey. His wealthy parents, who raised him to be a devout Christian, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young. Obeying Jesus' words to "sell what you own and give the money to the poor," Nicholas used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the sick, and the suffering. He dedicated his life to serving God and was made Bishop of Myra while still a young man. Bishop Nicholas became known throughout the land for his generosity to those in need, his love for children, and his concern for sailors and ships.
Gr 3 - 5: Sst. Mary Magdalene ~Mary Magdalene is one of the most prominent women in the New Testament, appearing in all four Gospels as a devoted follower of Jesus. When Mary Magdalene met Jesus, he cast out seven demons from her. Mary was also honored as one of the first persons to receive the news of Jesus' resurrection. Mary Magdalene was loyal and generous. She is listed among women who helped support Jesus' ministry from their own funds (Luke 8:3). Her great faith earned special affection from Jesus.
Grades 6, 7, & 8: St. Maximilian Kolbe ~Saint Maximilian was born on January 17, 1894 in ZdunskaWola, Poland, and given the name Raymond. When he was still a child he had a vision in which Our Lady held out to him two crowns, one white and the other red, asking him to choose between the two. The white crown symbolizes purity and the red crown symbolizes martyrdom. Raymond chose both of them.
When he was only 17, he joined the Conventual Franciscans, and seven years later he was ordained Father Maximilian. Saint Maximilian Kolbe carried Christs’ message from Poland all the way to Japan, setting up small towns and naming them after Our Lady.
He was truly a man that showed loving without limits is possible.
Calendar Highlights
December 10 | APA Board Meeting 6pm |
December 13 | Barnes & Noble Bookfair |
December 13 | Las Posadas at 1 pm in Mulcahy |
December 18 | Christmas Program 7pm in the Church |
December 20 | Noon Dismissal |
December 23-January 3 | Christmas Break |
January 6 | School Resumes |
Extended Day Care registration packets are available in the school office.
Contents of Weekly Brown Envelope
Please remove contents, complete and return any forms in the signed Brown Envelope every Wednesday.
Sherwood Farms Christmas Wreaths and Centerpieces
Thank you to all the families who purchased a Christmas Wreath or centerpiece. We still have 16 wreaths and 9 centerpieces available for purchase. Wreaths are $30 and centerpieces are $25 . Please contact the school office to purchase while supplies last.
Every year Jerry Deal of the OLA Parish Men’s Ministry collects food items to create Christmas Food Baskets for those in need in our community. This Christmas, the baskets are in need of pasta sauce and/or mac-n-cheese. Our school will be collecting these items starting Monday, December 9th through Friday, December 13th. The collection box will be located outside the school office. If you would like to contribute to the Christmas Food Baskets please send the items in with your child or drop them by the school by Friday, December 13th. We appreciate your continued support for our school, parish and community.
es & Noble
Barnes & Noble Book Fair-Join us on Friday December 13th from 3:00 pm -7:00 pm for our annual book fair at Barnes & Noble-4820 Telephone Rd. Ventura, CA. We will have face painting, a scavenger hunt and a fun craft! With the purchase of an item your child will receive a non-uniform dress pass for December 19th and a raffle ticket for a chance to win one of three gift cards for Barnes & Noble.
Save the Date: OLA Annual Auction & Dinner
Mark your calendars! The 2025 OLA Annual Auction & Dinner is happening on Friday, February 28, 2025, at Zachari Dunes on Mandalay Beach. This is our school’s biggest fundraiser of the year -- stay tuned for more details about how you can participate, sponsor, and donate. We can’t wait to see you there!
Hot Lunch
New! Choice Lunch
A few things to keep in mind when ordering with Choicelunch -
Our regular ordering deadline to order from the full menu is 9 am the day before lunch will be served. After 9 am the day before lunch has passed, you will be given the option to order an entree-only lunch, up until 9 am the day lunch will be served or until lunches sell out.
Lunch can be canceled as late as 9 am the day before it will be served for 100% credit. After this point in time, the lunch will be sent to the school and there is no credit given.
You can also find our FAQ here - https://help.choicelunch.com/hc/en-us
OLA Parish Events
Scan the above QR code or email tnelson@ola-vta.org sign up.
Click HERE to register
Sports at OLA
OLA Flag Football
Our flag football team will have their first playoff game Wednesday, December 11th here at OLA vs Sacred Heart.
Game time is 3:30. Come out and support the team!
OLA Girls Volleyball
OLA Girls Volleyball
Our 7th/8th grade team will have their first playoff game Tuesday, December 10th away vs Our Lady of Guadalupe.
All games start at 3:30. Come out and support the teams and GOOO DOLPHINS,
Stay up-to-date with access to events, documents, news from administrators, student stories, and even emergency notifications.
You can download the app for free on Google Play or Apple App Store.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3HRxTwQ
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3JwStCO
Reporting an absence:
If your child will be absent from school, please complete the Absent Reporting form. This form can be found on our app, tap the menu button or on our website under quick links. This will generate a report that is given to teachers daily. Thank you!
Have questions or are interested in joining us? The APA meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6pm. We’d love to see you! Email us at: APAboard@olaventura.org.
The Assumptions Parent Association (APA) Board is dedicated to supporting our school through event planning and fundraising efforts throughout the year. We invite you to join in on the fun by becoming a part of one of our committees:
Hospitality: Assist in organizing events and showing appreciation to our teachers and staff.
Communications: Help keep our school community informed about upcoming events.
Volunteer: Coordinate parent volunteers for various school activities and events.
Fundraising: Plan and support our fundraising efforts.
If you’re interested in joining a committee or learning more about what we do, please reach out to us at Apaboard@olaventura.org. We look forward to working together to make this year a great one for our students and school!
If you’d like to learn more about how you can support our school and get involved with the Assumptions Parent Association Board, please reach out to us at Apaboard@olaventura.org. We look forward to working together to make this year a great one for our kids!
The digital marquee birthday flier is available in the school office. Announce your child's next birthday on the OLA marquee! Announcement cost is $15
School Office Hours
The best times to conduct school business in the office are:
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
12:50 pm - 2:30 pm
Closed for Lunch(12:00-12:50)
After Dismissal hours:
Please do not come in during dismissal. We are calling students for pick-up and are unable to give you uninterrupted attention. The office is closed for lunch from 12:00pm-12:50pm, if your child needs to leave early from school Please pick them up before 12:00 pm or after 12:50pm.
At Home Rapid Covid Test kits:
Test kits are available in the office. Please contact Jennifer Colitti at jennifer@olaventura.org. You are also welcome to come into the office and pick up tests for your family.
Office of Safeguard the Children
Zoom Protecting God’s Children
Keeping the Promise Alive
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles mandates all clergy, staff, whether paid or volunteer, and all volunteers who work in any capacity with or around children, the elderly, or people with special needs to complete the initial three-hour VIRTUS® Protecting God’s Children for Adults™ program. The program helps clergy, staff, volunteers, and parents to understand the facts and myths about child sexual abuse, how perpetrators groom children and young people, and how they, as caring adults, can learn and implement the important “Five Step Plan” to Protect God’s Children in helping to prevent child sexual abuse.
More than 150,000 clergy, staff and volunteers have participated in these training sessions throughout the five Pastoral Regions of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Please know you are welcome to attend a training at any parish in our diocese. To learn where the training is taking place visit lacatholics.org and under the pull down menu titled PROTECT/REPORT move your cursor to Safe SafeGuard the Children then to Education and Training. In that section you will be able to navigate to all the training sessions. Our region is the Santa Barbara Region.
Training at OLA: None at this time.
Protecting God’s Children (Initial Course) In the Santa Cruz Room. To register please call the OLA Church Office for more information at 805- 642-7966.
Keeping the Promise Alive (Re-Certification Course): To register please call the OLA Church office for more information at 805- 642-7796.
Student Learning Expectations (SLE’S)
OLA Students aim for the S.T.A.R.S when they: