Mission Statement: Our Lady of the Assumption School Commits itself to provide an education based on catholic values and academic excellence in a caring and safe atmosphere in partnership with the family and parish community.
From the Desk of the Principal…March 4, 2025
Dear OLA School Community,
A heartfelt “Thank you” to everyone who attended, supported, and contributed to making our event such a wonderful success! Your presence, generosity, and enthusiasm helped create a truly unforgettable experience for our school.
We are so grateful for this incredible community and appreciate all the time, effort, and dedication that went into making this event special. Your support continues to make a difference in the lives of our students and the future of our school
Thank you for being a part of it!
Today we celebrate St. Casimir (Oct 3, 1448 - Mar 4, 1484) He was known for his piety, devotion to God, and generosity towards the sick and poor.
Ecclesiasticus 35:1-12. To the upright I will show the saving power of God – Ps 49(50):5-8, 14, 23. Mark 10:28-31.
Focus more on God
Lent starts tomorrow which means that today is Pancake Tuesday. The origin of this idea was to live it up a bit for one day before the demands of Lent. You probably know that today is also known as carnivale (goodbye to meat) and mardi gras (fat Tuesday).
In more recent times, those terms have headed off on their own in other directions, but the core message is still with us. It doesn’t hurt during Lent to feel a little pinch as we remind ourselves that we are all creatures and dependent on God’s grace.
This comes through today’s stark Gospel about leaving house, family and land. The Gospel is radical and nowhere does that come home more than on our journey with Jesus to Calvary. Perhaps we can’t leave everything behind, but we might start by leaving at least something as we focus less on ourselves and more on God.
Lent calls us to reach out to others in pursuit of justice.
Pick Information:
Bidding for the OLA Silent Auction is now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated and supported our school!
Auction Winners:
If you won an item, pickup will be available on Wednesday, March 5th at the following times:
• Morning Pickup: 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM
• Afternoon Pickup: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
• Location: Mulcahy Center at OLA School
Thank you for your support!
Virtue of the Month: Mercy ~ Caring for those who Suffer
Each month, we introduce a new virtue to our students, along with Saints to guide and inspire students in their faith journey. As part of the Year of Faith, our school theme is Service, reminding us to live our faith through acts of love and kindness.
This month, we are focusing on the virtue of Mercy.
May we all strive to live this virtue each day and give thanks to God for His abundant gifts!
Saints for the Month of Mercy :
“The Compassion in our hearts for another person’s misery. A compassion which drives us to do what we can to help them” St. Thomas Aquinas
PK - Grade 2: St. John Vianney (1786-1859, France) Feast: August 4 
St. John Vianney wanted his life as a priest to be filled with mercy for those who turned away from God. St. John Vianney went to the homes of the people in his parish when they were sick, spent many hours praying to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and heard Confessions all day and night - people came from everywhere just so he could hear their Confessions!
Grades 3 - 5: 
St. Faustina (1905- 1938 Poland)
Feast: October 5
Saint Faustina grew up in a big family in Poland and joined the Sister of Our Lady of Mercy when she was a young woman. She was always mindful of how others suffered and wanted to help them. She offered many sacrifices, sufferings, and prayers for souls who needed God’s mercy. Many times she did not know the souls for whom she was suffering.
On February 22, 19321, Our Lord appeared to Saint Faustina in a vision and instructed her to pain Him as He appeared to her and include the motto, “Jesus, I trust in you.” He wanted her to proclaim the message of His mercy - Divine Mercy - to the whole world, which she faithful did until her death.
Grades 6 - 8: St. Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997, Albania & India)
Feast: September 5
“At the end of our lives, we will not be judged by…how many great things we have done. We will be judged by “I was hungry and you gave me to eat. I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, you took me in.”
St. Teresa of Calcutta, also known as Mother Teresa, embodied mercy through her unwavering dedication to serving the poorest and most vulnerable. She saw the face of Christ in everyone she met and extended compassion, kindness, and dignity to those suffering from poverty, illness, and neglect. Through her Missionaries of Charity, she provided food, shelter, and love to those in need, reminding the world that true mercy is love in action. Her life continues to inspire us to serve others selflessly and with great humility and grace.
Calendar Highlights
March 5 | All School Mass 9:30 am Hosted by Grade 3 |
March 11 | APA Board Meeting 6pm |
March 12 | Art Trek Training 8:15-1o:45-Mulcahy |
March 12 | Parent Hour 2nd Turn In |
March 14 | No School-Deanery Meeting |
March 17 | All School Mass 8am |
Extended Day Care registration packets are available in the school office.
Contents of Weekly Brown Envelope
Please remove contents, complete and return any forms in the signed Brown Envelope every Wednesday.
Registration Information for 2025-2026 School Year
ALMS (pronounced /ä(l)mz/) is always looking for parent and student volunteers to help us build a stronger presence at community and Parish events. ALMS is OLA school’s “do good” committee dedicated to getting our school involved in community programs that teach your kids the value of service to others. For more information, check out our FAQ or volunteer now.
ALMS Quick Links
At Home Parent Hour Opportunity-Cross Cutting for the Parish
Looking for parent hours at home? We are in need of 5 parents to cut out paper crosses for the parish. Templates can be picked up in the school office or sent home with your child on Wednesday, March 5th. Paper crosses can be returned as soon as possible, preferably by Monday, March 10th. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
TK & Kindergarten Applications are now being accepted for the 2025-2026 school year. If you or someone you know is interested in our TK or Kindergarten program please have them complete an application on our website olaventura.org. Current TK students do not need to complete an application. Any questions please contact the school office 805-642-7198.
Yearbook Ads-Due Friday, March 7th
Yearbook message ideas:
Eighth Grade Graduates, Second Grade First Holy Communion or just a special message to your sweet someone!
The Yearbook staff would like to offer you the opportunity to place a business advertisement or special message to your child in the OLA 2024-2025 yearbook. Messages can include congratulations on a good year, Eighth Grade Graduation, First Holy Communion or just a message of good will to your child. The special message “ad” includes your message and a photo of your child. Please provide the photo of your child. For business ads you will need to provide the copy for your ad.
Deadline: All business ads and personal messages must be submitted by March 7, 2025. Space is limited for these special features in the yearbook.
Please contact the yearbook editor at yearbook@olaventura.org if you have any questions. ALL PHOTOS MUST BE SENT VIA EMAIL TO THIS EMAIL.
Business Advertisement (Business Cards Only) $30.00
¼ page ad or personal message (50 words & 1 to 2 pictures) $40.00
½ page ad or personal message (75 words & 2 to 4 pictures) $60.00
Full page ad or personal message (100 words & 10 to 12 pictures) $100.00
Please make checks payable to: Our Lady of the Assumption School and return payment to the school office no later than March 7, 2025.
Parent Hours-2nd turn in day-Wednesday, March 12, 2025. Please send any completed hour in the brown envelope. Hours will be recorded and forms will be returned March 18th. Hours turned in after March 12th will be recorded in May.
The Parent Participation hours are SELF REPORTED. Tuition alone does not cover the cost of educating a child. The Parent Participation Program helps to achieve more parent involvement and at the same time helps to meet the rising costs of school operation. Each family is required to give 30 hours of service to the school according to the participation options on the Parent Agreement Form. Families have the option of donating the participation fee in lieu of working the hours, for a maximum of $450. A maximum of 10 hrs. is allowed for Scrip. (Every $200 script purchase = one hour.)
Please submit forms on or before the following dates: Wednesday November 20th, Wednesday March 12th and Wednesday May 21st (blank forms are available in the school office)
Amazon Wish List Links
Each class has created a list of items that would be helpful in their classrooms. Please click on the class below if you would like to donate an item. Remember every $15 spent earns 1 parent hour. If you choose to have the item shipped directly to the school,Please complete the gift receipt when completing your purchase so we can get the item to the correct classroom and give you a little shout out.
Sports at OLA!
🏀 OLA Sports Update 🏀
Last week's games were rained out.
Boys Basketball – The season continues this week with a home game tomorrow vs St. Mary Magdalen. All games start at 3:30—come cheer them on!
Girls Basketball –Play today at home vs OLG and again Thursday, March 6th, away vs St. Mary Magdalen all games start at 3:30 PM.
Let’s show our Dolphin pride and support our teams!
GOOOO Dolphins! 🐬💙🏀
ALL About Local (formerly Axxess Book)-$40 yearly membership provides you with access to a downloadable app used to provide discounts at local merchants. New merchants added weekly.
All About Local is designed to connect local merchants, our community, schools and organizations for the good of all.
Local Fundraising-How a purchase can help our school-
The $40 Membership Helps Raise $15 for Your School!
Memberships Books with activation codes available in the school office. Cash or checks payable to OLA
Hot Lunch
Click Here to Order
A few things to keep in mind when ordering with Choicelunch -
Our regular ordering deadline to order from the full menu is 9 am the day before lunch will be served. After 9 am the day before lunch has passed, you will be given the option to order an entree-only lunch, up until 9 am the day lunch will be served or until lunches sell out.
Lunch can be canceled as late as 9 am the day before it will be served for 100% credit. After this point in time, the lunch will be sent to the school and there is no credit given.
You can also find our FAQ here - https://help.choicelunch.com/hc/en-us
OLA Parish Events
🌿 Join Us for SoulCore at OLA! 🌿
March 6, 2025 at 8:45 in Mulcahy. Come to nourish, mind, body, and soul!
Stay up-to-date with access to events, documents, news from administrators, student stories, and even emergency notifications.
You can download the app for free on Google Play or Apple App Store.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3HRxTwQ
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3JwStCO
Reporting an absence:
If your child will be absent from school, please complete the Absent Reporting form. This form can be found on our app, tap the menu button or on our website under quick links. This will generate a report that is given to teachers daily. Thank you!
Have questions or are interested in joining us? The APA meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6pm. We’d love to see you! Email us at: APAboard@olaventura.org.
The Assumptions Parent Association (APA) Board is dedicated to supporting our school through event planning and fundraising efforts throughout the year. We invite you to join in on the fun by becoming a part of one of our committees:
Hospitality: Assist in organizing events and showing appreciation to our teachers and staff.
Communications: Help keep our school community informed about upcoming events.
Volunteer: Coordinate parent volunteers for various school activities and events.
Fundraising: Plan and support our fundraising efforts.
If you’re interested in joining a committee or learning more about what we do, please reach out to us at Apaboard@olaventura.org. We look forward to working together to make this year a great one for our students and school!
If you’d like to learn more about how you can support our school and get involved with the Assumptions Parent Association Board, please reach out to us at Apaboard@olaventura.org. We look forward to working together to make this year a great one for our kids!
The digital marquee birthday flier is available in the school office. Announce your child's next birthday on the OLA marquee! Announcement cost is $15
School Office Hours
The best times to conduct school business in the office are:
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
12:50 pm - 2:30 pm
Closed for Lunch(12:00-12:50)
After Dismissal hours:
Please do not come in during dismissal. We are calling students for pick-up and are unable to give you uninterrupted attention. The office is closed for lunch from 12:00pm-12:50pm, if your child needs to leave early from school Please pick them up before 12:00 pm or after 12:50pm.
At Home Rapid Covid Test kits:
Test kits are available in the office. Please contact Jennifer Colitti at jennifer@olaventura.org. You are also welcome to come into the office and pick up tests for your family.
Office of Safeguard the Children
Zoom Protecting God’s Children
Keeping the Promise Alive
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles mandates all clergy, staff, whether paid or volunteer, and all volunteers who work in any capacity with or around children, the elderly, or people with special needs to complete the initial three-hour VIRTUS® Protecting God’s Children for Adults™ program. The program helps clergy, staff, volunteers, and parents to understand the facts and myths about child sexual abuse, how perpetrators groom children and young people, and how they, as caring adults, can learn and implement the important “Five Step Plan” to Protect God’s Children in helping to prevent child sexual abuse.
More than 150,000 clergy, staff and volunteers have participated in these training sessions throughout the five Pastoral Regions of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Please know you are welcome to attend a training at any parish in our diocese. To learn where the training is taking place visit lacatholics.org and under the pull down menu titled PROTECT/REPORT move your cursor to Safe SafeGuard the Children then to Education and Training. In that section you will be able to navigate to all the training sessions. Our region is the Santa Barbara Region.
Training at OLA: None at this time.
Protecting God’s Children (Initial Course) In the Santa Cruz Room. To register please call the OLA Church Office for more information at 805- 642-7966.
Keeping the Promise Alive (Re-Certification Course): To register please call the OLA Church office for more information at 805- 642-7796.
Student Learning Expectations (SLE’S)
OLA Students aim for the S.T.A.R.S when they: