Mission Statement: Our Lady of the Assumption School Commits itself to provide an education based on catholic values and academic excellence in a caring and safe atmosphere in partnership with the family and parish community.
From the Desk of the Principal…September 20, 2022
Virtue of the Month
Our school participates in a Deanery wide program which highlights a particular virtue of the month along with particular Saints for each grade level - Grades PK - 2 St. Joseph, Grades 3 - 5 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, and Grades 6 - 8 Sts. Louis & Zelie Martin. The virtue for this year is Hope and the theme for this year is Study.
Why do we need the supernatural virtue of hope?
The virtue of hope sustains us at all times with the truth that Jesus will always remain with us, even when all reason for hope seems absent. Hope keeps us from discouragement. The gift of hope leads us to persevere in prayer. Hope offers us joy and courage, and sustains us in times of trial. Hope allows us to live, grow and persevere in faith. The anchor is the symbol of hope and contains the image of the Cross. As an anchor safely holds a ship securely, so Christ is our anchor because He is our hope of salvation.
God is almighty, merciful and good. The gift of hope helps us to open our heart to His mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, to receive forgiveness and healing. Lifted up by hope, we are preserved from turning inward in selfishness and led to the happiness that flows from focusing outward toward others and living with charity toward our neighbor, especially helping those in need.
Ss Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang, and companions
Proverbs 21:1-6, 10-13. Guide me, Lord, in the way of your commands – Psalm 118(119):1, 27, 30, 34-35, 44. Luke 8:19-21.
Your mother and your brothers are standing outside
Philostorgius: I don’t get it, Jesus. In their sermons our priests are always banging on about the sacredness of the family. But you ignored your family and then rubbished them before a crowd of strangers. What gives?
Jesus: Well, l was telling the crowd how all-important it is to attend to God’s word, Philostorgius. Wouldn’t it have seemed odd if I had left them and begun to chat to my family?
Philostorgius: It certainly would have made them think. But isn’t that the whole point of preaching? What a great opportunity you missed, Jesus, to show how important it is to respect and love our family! Isn’t that one of the Ten Commandments?
Jesus: You have a good memory, Philostorgius. God calls us above all, though, to love one another, and to live by the Good News I preach. Our families often think that extreme and can distract us from what matters. Whom do you follow, Philostorgius, when you have to make a choice? Me or your family?
History behind Our New Flag:
The United States flag that is flying from our flagpole was donated to us by the family of Joseph Michael Downs. He was born in 1932 in Arizona and grew up in New Mexico. He attended St. Mary’s Catholic School for 12 years, then attended New Mexico A&M. He put himself through school, working many jobs and graduated with a degree in Agriculture. He was in the Army ROTC and when he graduated he entered the Army and served in Germany during peacetime. He left the service with the rank of 1st Lieutenant and worked in the Soils Lab in Lincoln, Nebraska while earning his master’s degree in Agronomy. When he was stationed in Texas, he was on loan to NASA where he worked on the LANDSAT program. Joe retired after 36 years in 1990. His grandsons Michael and Steven Ellison attended OLA School. Joe died on July 4, 2022 and was buried in the Veterans Cemetery in Boulder City, Nevada on September 8. This flag was used during the ceremony to honor his service to the United States. His family wanted the flag to be used, to continue to honor the country, and the church that he loved.
Scouts at OLA
Parent Survey
As a part of our upcoming WASC/WCEA accreditation in Spring of 2023 we have begun the process of gathering evidence to begin writing our Improving Student Learning (ISL) document.
You are an important part of the process. I would like to ask you to take about 20 minutes to complete the attached form. We appreciate your time and feedback. Thank you for your support!
Parent Survey: Improving Student Learning
Lunch by KB Catering
OLA is happy to announce that KB Catering will offer pre-ordered lunch options for your child.
Starting Wednesday September 21st you can order lunch up to 30 days in advance through their app- SBHS Cafe or their website- kbcateringpreorder.com.
Sign up and create an account using your child's name. Multiple accounts will need to be set up for each child. Lunch will be delivered to the school and distributed to your child.
When placing an order make sure you have selected OLA School. Choose the items you would like to order for your child and proceed to checkout. For payment select online, not card, choose the date, the time doesn’t matter as the items will all be prepared in time for our lunch time. Payment is processed through PayPal, (you do not need a personal PayPal account to pay). If ordering for multiple days in advance you will need to pay for each order individually. Multiple days are not available in a single transaction.
No “day of” ordering will be available. Please order no later than 11:59pm the day before.
KB Catering offers monthly specials-check our OLA app for updates and menu specials, a 10% discount for the first month for new families and a loyalty program-every dollar spent is a point earned, every 100 points earned will give you 50% off an order.
Questions please contact Kurt Bybee kurtbybeecatering@gmail.com / 805-754-6220 or the OLA school office.
Calendar Highlights
September 20th. Washington DC Parent Meeting
6:15 pm Mulcahy
September 22nd. Picture Day
September 29th. Midpoint of the 1st Trimester
September 30th Jeans for Jesus-College Tees Theme $1.00
Contents of Weekly Brown Envelope
Please remove contents, complete and return any forms, sign and return the Brown Envelope every Wednesday.
Parent Income Survey
Cub Scouts Flyer
New Hot Lunch Program Flyer
Jeans for Jesus Flyer
We need completed emergency cards and all other papers that were sent home the first week of school returned A.S.A.P. They are very important and need to be recorded in the office for safety. Thank you!
We are bringing back Jeans for Jesus! Each month we will have a themed non-uniform dress day. Non-uniform dress days will cost $1.00 per student. All funds raised will be donated to a different charity each month. Please see the non-uniform guidelines in the Parent-Student Handbook found both on our website and on our app.
What’s Happening with our Student Council!
Student council is busy planning Welcome Wagon Week for the week of September 26th. The members of Student Council have some great activities planned to welcome our new students to OLA.
October brings a surprise National Celebration Day to one of our important and favorite staff members. Student council will have a fun way to celebrate.
Coming up in October, the Student Council will plan a service project “Socktober”. Watch for more information to come in the following weeks.
Fall Picture Day Is Coming! Thursday, September 22, 2022 Ordering School pictures is easy and convenient 1.Online ordering is available before and after Picture Day. Shipping and handling charges may apply to orders placed after Picture Day. Or, 2. Return order envelope on Picture Day that will have been sent home with your student prior. Preview Styles & Order Online: https://vando.imagequix.com/ g1000954719#login
Smile and see you on picture day! |
OLA School is thrilled to announce our new app for mobile phones! Stay up-to-date with access to events, documents, news from administrators, student stories, and even emergency notifications. You can download the app for free on Google Play or Apple App Store. Download for Android https://bit.ly/3HRxTwQ Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3JwStCO Thank you for helping our dismissal process flow smoothly in the afternoons. If all parents in the car line could please be mindful to leave openings for our neighbors driveways when waiting to move down Dunning street. This is both for the safety and courteousness of our neighbors. OLA Sports Center September 22 Elementary Meet-Kimball Park September 23 Middle School Meet-Rio Vista September 29 Elementary Meet-Camino Real September 30 Middle School Meet-Soule Park Elementary Meets begin at 4:30 pm for girls & 4:45 pm for boys Middle School Meets begin at 4:30pm for girls and 5:00 pm for boys. (exception-September 30 Middle School Meet will start 30 minutes earlier-4:00 pm for girls and 4:30pm for boys. Elementary Cross Country Team Results: OLA’s elementary girls’ team took FIRST place in our group and Second place overall! OLA’s elementary boys’ team took FIRST place in our group and Third place overall! The team ran a one mile race. Our top three elementary girl runners were: Naomi Isbell (homeschool runner grade 4 on our team) with a mile run time of 6:43 Lily DeBoer (grade 5) 7:01 finishing 11th out of 172 runners Savannah Figueroa (grade 5) 7:34 finishing 25th overall
Our top three elementary boy runners were: Jack Baker (grade 5) with a mile run time of 5:47 finishing 3rd out of 161 runners Evan Abbott (grade 5) 5:59 finishing 4th overall James Quagliata (grade 3)6:42 finishing 22nd overall Middle School Cross Country Race Results: After running a 3k race, our OLA middle school girls team took 2nd place in our group and 3rd place overall! Our OLA middle school boys took 1st place in our group and 5th place overall!
Our top three middle school girl runners were: Madeline Abbott (grade 8) with a run time of 13:36 finishing in 11th place out of 132 runners! Hannah von Gunten (grade 8) with a run time of 13:44 finishing in 14th place overall! Annalee Dufau (grade 6) with a run time of 13:55 finishing in 16th place overall!
Our top three middle school boy runners were: Andrew Burns (grade 8) with a run time of 12:05 finishing 23rd out of 196 runners! Taylor Kaiser (grade 6) with a run time of 12:06 finishing in 24th place! Caleb Isbell (homeschool runner grade 6 on our team) with a run time of 12:24 finishing in 33rd place!
Boys Flag Football-The OLA Flag Football team will practice Wednesday and Friday this week. We are also looking for parent volunteers to do field set up and scorekeeping for the home games. Please email Ron Bamieh to sign up or volunteer. rbamieh@bamiehdesmeth.com Girls Volleyball-We are looking for a few parents to volunteer to coach and referee a girls volleyball team this fall. This is a great way to earn parnet hours. Training will be provided. Please contact our athletic director Matt Figueroa mfigueroa@bsnsports.com |
Flag Football Online Spirit Wear Store-OLA is launching their first online spirit wear store for parents. The online store will be open from September 15th through September 22nd. Items will ship approximately 3-4 weeks after the store closes. Click the link to start shopping. OLA Spirit Wear Store Email mfigueroa@bsnsports.com with questions. |
Edge Wednesday nights, 6 to 7:30 pm. Junior high youth in grades 6-8 are welcome. Please contact OLA youth minister, Gabe Rivera, for more information at youthministry@ola-vta.org or 805-642-7966 x121.
Reporting an absence:
If your child will be absent from school, please complete the Absent Reporting form. This form can be found on our app under Documents or on our website under quick links. This will generate a report that is given to teachers daily. Thank you!
` It’s Baaaccckkk!!!
OLA School’s 2022-2023 Student T-Shirt Design Competition!!!
Our Lady of the Assumption School is offering its students the chance to design a T-Shirt for the 2022- 2023 school year. OLA students can purchase these t-shirts and can wear them for PE for the entire school year!
All students in Grades TK-8 are eligible to submit their t-shirt design and the drawing must be related to this year’s theme. This year our school is celebrating the “Year of Hope'' highlighted in our Virtues Program and we would like the t-shirt to reflect on this virtue. Designs must be turned in to the School Office by Friday, September 23, 2022
The winner will be selected by the T-Shirt Team and will be announced on Friday, September 30th at Flag Salute. The winning design will appear on the FRONT of the t-shirt, and the second-place design will be used to create OLA stationery.
Here are the rules:
1. Your drawing should be related to this year’s theme “Year of Hope”!
Artists must hand draw the t-shirt design by themselves. (Minimal Adult assistance OK for Grades TK-2)
Draw your design using colored markers. (Very Important: No Crayons or Colored Pencils)
Design must be no larger than 18” length x 15” wide on white paper (8 1⁄2” x 11” paper OK)
5. No clip art or other computer-generated assistance allowed
6. Be creative, use your imagination and HAVE FUN!!!
7. Print your name & your grade at the bottom of the design (This way, everyone who buys the t-shirt will know that you were the artist!!)
Questions...call Jennifer Bamieh at 805-340-9168 or email jenniferbamieh@gmail.com Good luck!
OLA School’s 2022-2023 Student T-Shirt Design Competition
Company, Family, or Class Group Sponsorship Opportunity
Our Lady of the Assumption School is bringing back the Student T-Shirt Design Competition. All students can submit a drawing for the shirt and one lucky student’s design will be selected for the front! We are asking for sponsors to help defray the cost of printing the t-shirts. All sponsors will have their names or company logos on the back and/or the 2 sleeves of every t-shirt!
Students can wear this t-shirt for PE Class for the rest of the school year!
Please consider including your company’s logo, family name, or gather a group of your classmates and sponsor the T-Shirt.
SPONSORSHIP LEVELS (Please check one): SLEEVE: $750.00 / (only 2 spots) DOLPHIN: $500.00
FRIEND: $250.00
PATRON: $100.00
Complete the Sponsorship Form attached by 9/23/22 and contact Jennifer Bamieh at 805-340-9168 or jenniferbamieh@gmail.com for more information.
The digital marquee birthday flier is available in the office. Enjoy announcing your child's next birthday on the OLA marquee! Announcement cost is $15
The APA Board would like to thank all the wonderful families of OLA for volunteering and participating in the many fundraising efforts this year. If you are interested in joining for the 2022-2023 school year please contact Jennifer Bamieh jenniferbamieh@yahoo.com
School Office Hours
The best times to conduct school business in the office are:
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
12:50 pm - 2:30 pm
After Dismissal hours
Closed for Lunch(12:00-12:50)
Please do not come in during dismissal from 2:30pm-3:00pm. We are calling students for pick-up and are unable to give you uninterrupted attention. The office is closed for lunch from 12:00pm-12:50pm, if your child needs to leave early from school Please pick them up before 12:00 pm or after 12:50pm.
At Home Rapid Covid Test kits: Test kits are available in the office. Please contact Jennifer Colitti at jennifer@olaventura.org. You are also welcome to come into the office and pick up tests for your family.
Training at OLA: These sessions will be led by Dea Boheme. Please call Dea at (805) 390-1260 to reserve a spot. All sessions begin at 1 pm and are held in the Santa Cruz Room Protecting God's Children (Initial training, 3 hours)
Keeping the Promise Alive (Recertification training, 1 ½ hours)
Fingerprinting: The Mission Basilica San Buenaventura is holding a fingerprinting session on September 28, 2022 at Holy Cross School. Please call the parish office to set up an appointment- ( 805 ) 643-4318 Student Learning Expectations (SLE’S) OLA Students aim for the S.T.A.R.S when they: SHOW AND LIVE THEIR FAITH THINK CRITICALLY AND WORK COOPERATIVELY ACTIVELY MAINTAIN A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE RESPECT OURSELVES AND OTHERS STUDY AND LEARN |